Pausing only to grab the trusty box brownie I set off for an exclusive and, on reaching the ground, there was indeed an AFC Wimbledon stall manned by Mark S-L head of the CFS scheme. Does this man never rest? He'll be at the Stables Open day next Sunday and was at the Village Fair the other week and yet here he is plugging away with a table game, some merchandise and loads of information.
The event covered a wide range of sporting and leisure activities available to children in Merton and had been organized by local MP Siobhan McDonagh. She had been keen to get as many organizations involved as possible and couldn't see the potential nuances involved in Wimbledon advertising their football courses at T&M's ground. As it turned out they were very friendly, being far more concerned at Fulham's lebensraum and southward expansion than with ourselves.
* Possibly a slight exaggeration. She did think I might be interested though.
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