Thursday, 25 June 2009

Wimbledon Village Fair - Saturday 20th June

Despite having lived a short bus ride away for many years I'd never actually made it up to the Wimbledon Village Fair before. I did get the impression that it was quite a biggie on the Events calender though and the emergency 'what exactly are we doing then?' meeting a few days before had revelled that, although Community Events may have been slow off the mark others were in full-focus mood. There was some confusion as to the number and sizes of the space available ('Is that five square meters or five square feet?') and exactly what was going to happen, but when it was apparent that Merchandising were planning a massive assault with most of the contents of the shop and that the Football in the Community team had been promised an inflatable speed trap game courtesy of Mr Paul Strank - well there didn't seem to be quite the pressure that we thought. However, not wishing to be left out, Community & Events wheeled out the I-Dons stall and appropriated even more old programmes to hand out as consolation prizes on the football game. Our massed manpower also helped with a table-top football game (which I couldn't quite get my head around) and the speed game so our honour was preserved on the day.
Merchandise set out their stall. Towels and Mini-Haydons form the first wave of shock troops.

I had the pleasure of being first to arrive and unloaded I-Dons whilst at the same time guarding our pitch against incursion from the Air Cadets assault course. Kevin turned up with some gazebos and soon after they were up the Merchandising assault craft hit the beaches; down came the ramps and out came wave upon wave of mini-Haydons. As befitted the natural order they set up on the front of the pitch facing the main thoroughfare. When they were happy with their positioning I-Dons slid into the back-water of a side alley behind them and Mark S-L was left hoping the Inflatable football game would turn up before the crowds did. By now the Air Cadets were actually trying to rope off part of our space. Things were looking grim. "It's all very nice, but I'd rather have an inflatable speed game to play with" Note the early customer at the I-Dons stall to the rear

The inflatable game arrived soon after in a holdall and went up in seconds - many 'Oohs and Ahhs!' from me having struggled with the cricket net version at Rutlish. The crowds started to build up and off it went.

Haydon came by a few times during the day and, as usual, stole the show. The rain held off until five, Merchandising left with a smile of contentment playing about their lips; I-Dons did well, mainly due to my inability to price things properly and the Speed game provoked several hard-fought rivalries during the day. A real winner. I'll have to investigate that a bit further. The new Mayor of Merton came by with his wife (a Sutton United supporter who was at our first game) and they were both very enthusiastic a complimentary about the club... which (as they say) was nice. So all in all a pretty enjoyable day. Lots of Dons tops in the crowds, some helpers to provide relief and conversation and, all in all, a very pleasant day.

"Right, I'll have all this sold by lunchtime!"

Thanks to Dave McKnight for the photos. Even though he doesn't know I've got them..

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